Lauretta Woodson Recipients
The Lauretta Woodson Award is presented annually to a professional employee and a support staff member selected from Blair County school district on a rotating basis.
Recently the Woodson Awards were given to Kathy Morgan, an English teacher at the Altoona Area Junior High School and Doris Felty, an elementary school secretary at Juniata Elementary School. Both recipients will retire this school year. The presentations were made at the Altoona Area School Board of Directors' meeting.
The award in recognition of special contributions to education consists of a framed certificate, a medal, and a pin provided by PASR.
John J. Dillon
The John J. Dillon Service Award program recognizes members who contribute outstanding service to our association and its members. A listing of each year’s honorees are displayed in the “John J. Dillon Service Hall of Fame” at the PASR Headquarters in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.
Volunteer of the Year
The Blair PASR Community Service Chairman presented the 2017 PASR Volunteer of the Year pin and certificate of congratulations to Ron Skupien at the general membership meeting held at the Calvin House on May 18, 2017.
Educational Support Grant
The 2017 winner of the $750 grant money is Jessica Sorge from the Spring Cove School District. Jessica’s project for the next school year will be “Trout in the Classroom.” The students will be in charge of the tank, the filter system, the fish eggs to the fingerlings, and everything in between. Jessica was very grateful to be receiving this grant money.