Fall 2024 Newsletter
Editor – Gail Campbell

In this issue of our newsletter, we are looking forward to an active Fall. Our luncheon meeting is on October 17. Please note that the location is different from the last luncheon. We will be meeting at the Spring Mill Country Club which is located down the street from the Spring Mill Manor at the golf course. Both are located on Jacksonville Road. The Spring Mill Manor has been sold.The price of the chapter luncheon has increased. Please note, the price you are charged does not cover the full cost of the luncheon. The BucksMont chapter subsidizes the remaining luncheon cost.
After our business meeting we will enjoy the sounds of Fred Miller’s Bucks County Lecture-in-Song.
Be sure to check out the RECREO up-coming activities. In August, those who attended SO GOOD.. the Neil Diamond Experience had a great time. Last December’s visit to the Glencairn Estate was so well received, we are going back for a Holiday Tea and Tour..
Our chapter has given a $500 donation to Bucks County Family Service’ Back to School Drive as part of our commitment to support schools in Bucks County.
Please invite your retired school co-workers to join Bucks Mont PASR.
Arlene Williams

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This email has been changed effective March 21, 2024.
Otherwise, the Newsletter will come via mail.
October 17th 2024
Come join us to meet, eat and be entertained!
A Community Service Opportunity, too!
Spring Mill Country Club
80 Jacksonville Road
Ivyland. PA 18974
10:00 Registration with Coffee and Pastry
10:30 Business Meeting
11:15 Program
12:15 Lunch
Entrée Choices – All entrees include a salad and dessert
Chicken Alexandria served with Potato Dujour and Vegetable Medley
Stuffed Tilapia Florentine with a Savory Spinach Filling Topped with Roasted Red Pepper Cream Sauce
Portobello Mushroom and Vegetable Tower w/Balsamic Glaze
Please return the coupon with entrée selection and check by OCTOBER 7, 2024.
Cost $30/Member $40/Non-member Members age 90 and above are free
Have you ever wondered what Bucks County had to do with Broadway?
Singer/pianist/narrator Fred Miller will present his fascinating “The Bucks/Broadway Connections” celebrating the Golden Age of American Song for our Fall luncheon entertainment. Bucks County residents Oscar Hammerstein II, Moss Hart, George S.Kaufman, Stephen Sondheim, Arthur Schwartz and others had a “Bucks Connection.”
You ask, ” How are the Broadway classics connected directly to Bucks County ? “
Attend our meeting on October 17th . You will leave singing!​
Luncheon Community Service Opportunity
We are requesting you help us support a project of Delta Kappa Gamma Alpha Nu a local Bucks County sorority chapter for teachers at our Fall Luncheon (
Last year, PASR recognized Alice Kirby with the 2023 Volunteer Award for Buck-Mont PASR. Both Alice, Arlene and several other PASR BucksMont Chapter members are also members of Alpha Nu. The Book and a Blanket Service Project supports new mothers by providing them with baby blankets and baby board books. Some of the organizations receiving donations are ANA (Americans for Native Americans), TheHELPCenter, The Fiaria Project, The Baby Bureau and Choice One. A blanket with matching hat, a book that discusses the importance of reading to your baby, and a board book are included.
Please bring baby board books to be donated to this project to the October luncheon.
Knitters you are welcome to donate baby blankets approximate size 30 x 36.

Lynn Majewski, chair
Please Note: In registering for and/or participating in any PASR event, you hereby give permission to PASR to use your photographic likeness, voice, photographs and videos in all forms and media for advertising, trade, and any other lawful purposes. If you would prefer that PASR not utilize your likeness, please communicate that to the organizer of the event so that your wishes can be honored.

In July, Deb McIntire and Meg Kramer, along with others, made hand-made cards for friends and family led by instructor Jane Gregoire.
Bristol Riverside Theater Summer Music Fest: SO GOOD...the Neil Diamond Experience
On a hot summer afternoon in Bristol, performer Robert Neary crooned and swooned the audience with Neil Diamond’s hits and stories.
Every song was a sing-along! What was your favorite?
Members, Sandy Bowker and Gail Campbell ending the concert dancing away as audience members sang and danced along to Sweet Caroline, of course!
This course is for people who do not need a course completion card for a job or other requirements. It is ideal for community groups, parents, grandparents, caregivers, and anyone interested in learning how to save a life. Sanctioned by the American Heart Association, CPR, AED usage and choking will be covered. You will receive a booklet and certificate for participation.
The American Heart Association recommends that you attend this class every 2 years.
When: Thursday, September 26, 9:30 – 11:30
Where: Grace Point Church
592 Washington Crossing Rd
Newtown, PA 18940
Cost: $ 35
Complete the enclosed coupon to register with payment and return by September 15.
Last year we visited the fabulous Glencairn Museum. This year we are looking forward to a guided tour of the Bryn Athyn Cathedral which is handicap accessible. It also includes a self-guided tour of Cairnwood Estate (which includes walking and stairs) and a catered 3 course tea.
When: Thursday, December 5th 11:15 am-2 pm
Where: Glencairn Estate and Bryn Athyn Cathedral
1001 Cathedral Rd
Byrn Athyn, PA 19009
Cost: $85 includes tours and tea
Complete the enclosed coupon to register with payment and return by November 1, 2024.
A Bristol Riverside Theater Tradition*
The chill of winter is in the air as hosts Demetria Joyce Bailey and Philip Chaffin, along with fabulous singers and musicians, take the
stage to perform your favorite carols and heartwarming holiday songs. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to celebrate the holidays in style!
When: Thursday, December 19, 2024 @2pm
Where: St Ann’s Church
357 Dorrance St.
Bristol, Pa 19007
Cost: $35/each
Complete the enclosed coupon to register with payment and return by December 1, 2024.
L-PEC Legislative Political Education Committee
The PA General Assembly seems to have reached a budget deal, and the deal does not include a COLA. PASR is disappointed, to say the least, but the fight is not yet over!
Mark Krempa writes HB 1416 progressed further than any other COLA legislation in the past 20+ years, and this is thanks to the many efforts of thousands of our members to communicate the need for a COLA with their elected representatives!! The PA House voted on HB 1416 and it passed. The PA Senate never voted on HB 1416, as the Senate leadership decided not to put it on the floor alone or as part of the budget.
PASR continues to believe that if a COLA could receive a vote on the full floor of the Senate, the COLA bill would pass.​ Consequently, we will continue to fight for a COLA. We believe that there will be opportunities to get a COLA passed this fall.
We will need our members to contact their legislators. Please stay tuned for more details and please, please, please prepare to let your legislators know that you are displeased with their refusal to pass a COLA. Please check the PASR website www. for COLA updates.
Member Benefits & Services
Meg Kramer, Chair
Are you interested in learning about the benefits and discounts that PASR offers?
A free ZOOM presentation will be held on October 10th at noon. To register, go to
You will find the ZOOM information on the home page. If you are not available on October 10, you can request an email copy of the presentation.
Also, if you are a state member, be sure to check out the June issue of the PASR Times. It includes a listing and description of all of our member benefits. Those also can be found online using this link: It’s worth a look!
Please note that you must be a PASR State Member to take advantage of the discounts offered.
Your state membership number can be found on the PASR magazine mailing label.
Social Service Memorial Fund
Eileen Sichel, Chair
Our most elderly members may find that they barely have enough to make ends meet, especially if they outlive their spouses. Faced with the rising costs of food, gas, and other necessities and dependent on their own pensions and Social Security, they may face hardship and find it necessary to look to PASR for help. Their stories are often heartbreaking.
Please consider donating to the SSMHF to help PASR members from our own Bucks/Mont Chapter as well from across the state who are experiencing financial stress and/or in need of support due to illness or age. As more and more of our older members are asking for help, there has never been a more important time to donate. No funding comes from dues but relies only on the generosity of members or chapters.
A coupon can be found in this newsletter to be used to make a contribution. To donate online, go to ww. (member login required). Donations can be made to honor or memorialize someone who has made a difference in your life or to honor a special event such as a birthday or anniversary. Keep our committee informed.
If you are celebrating a 90 or 90+ birthday or know of a member who is, let us know so that we can celebrate those special people at one of our luncheons. Nonagenarians are welcome as guests to any of our luncheons, free of charge. Just let us know your status on the attached luncheon coupon.
In addition, for future recognition, please let us know if you are a veteran or know of a member who served our country in the military. Feel free to add a note on our luncheon coupon or call or text Eileen.
As always, remember to let Eileen know if you have information or questions about members in need of our support. You are an important source of information concerning those members who could use a helping hand, financially or otherwise. We have members in our own chapter that we have helped. They are so appreciative of anything we do to make life easier. It is also possible to ask for aid from the Social Service/Memorial Honor Fund at the state level. Keep Eileen informed if you are in need. Confidentiality is always maintained ​
September 26
CPR Class, Grace Point Church, Newtown PA
October 17
Bucks Mont Chapter Fall Luncheon Meeting, Spring Mill CC, Ivyland
October. 24
Region 1 Membership/Luncheon Meeting, Manufacturer’s Golf / CC
November 14
Bucks Mont Chapter Executive Board Meeting
December 5
Glencairn Estate Holiday Tea and Tour, Bryn Athyn, PA
December 19
BRT’s American Christmas Songbook, @ St. Ann’s, Bristol​​​​