Presidents Message
This is my first message as your new chapter president. I look forward to serving our membership and PASR during my tenure as president. Also, I want to express my sincere appreciation for the excellent service provided to our chapter and PASR by our Co-Presidents Linda Peters and Joy Hardin. Thank you for your service.
I would like to briefly share with you my work history with the public schools and my involvement with PASR. My public school career was in the employ of the School District of Philadelphia. For many years I taught the upper grade levels in several elementary schools, then assuming management positions in the district’s central office. I retired as an Assistant Principal in a lower elementary (K-4 grades) school after 31 years of service. My years working in the Philadelphia public school were very rewarding and enjoyable.
Shortly after my retirement I joined PASR. I am a life member at the state and chapter level. I have been a member of the Bucks chapter for 10 years. In addition to being president of the Bucks chapter, I am the legislative chair for Region I as well as the Bucks chapter. So I wear several hats as a PASR member.
In closing, I want to share with our members two items of interest. First, on the state level PASR continues to work on securing a COLA for public school retirees. This has been ongoing for some time, however, there is now an important change regarding this endeavor. The change being for the firsttime PSEA has partnered with PASR to secure a COLA. This is a very significant change. Time will tell whether this partnership will succeed in getting a COLA.
Second, on the local front, we are in the process of updating and reformatting our chapter’s webpage. Since the departure of our previous webmaster the site has not been updated. This will no longer be the situation. We now have a new webmaster with the necessary technical skills to maintain and improve our webpage. Please be advised however this site is still a work in progress and not complete. I anticipate that the webpage will be up and running soon. Look for more information on both items at our May meeting.
Till then, I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Margaret “Peg” R. Wentz of Levittown passed away on April 4, 2019 surrounded by family and friends. She was 95. Eileen Sichel shared the following tribute to Peg.
Peg found the right mix for her of friendship and opportunity in PASR after her retirement, and she was an integral part of the Bucks County Chapter. Members have missed her welcoming smile in the last five or six years when she no longer was able to come to our luncheons and sell raffle tickets at the door. She was an active Board member for over twenty-five years. Peg served as chair of the Retirement Committee and was in on the ground floor when the “Klothes 4 Kids” project was started. Every year, including just last fall, her home was a collection point for the delivery of stuffed backpacks for needy school children. Peg regularly attended Board meetings well into her eighties and was a knowledgeable advisor, especially for newly retired members and those about to retire. Hers was a voice of common sense and reason.
Peg was a Head Nurse at Abington Hospital until her husband passed away. She became a public school nurse for the Bristol Township Schools in order to more easily raise her then young children, Robert, Louise, and Mark.
Peg’s nursing background and her years in public education are only a part of her story. All her life, she was a devoted woman of faith and continued over the years through her church to enrich the lives of many.
We honor our dear friend, Peg Wentz, for her dedication to her family, friends, PASR, and for her concern for the health and wellbeing of the children of Bucks County.
Dorothy Mae Stoudt of the Masonic Villages, Elizabethtown, died on Saturday April 6, 2019. Her late husband, William, was also a PASR member.
Dot began her teaching career in Delaware County and completed 35 years in the Bristol Township School District. She taught 6thgrade at the John Fitch Elementary School and served as the Librarian at Armstrong Middle School. In addition to her service for our Chapter as President, editor of the newsletter, and member of the legislative contact teams, she was a member of the Delta Kappa Gamma sorority. I remember them going along to lobby the legislature for our COLA in 1998.
Dot and her husband met at the Children’s Home in the Masonic Home in Elizabethtown. When they retired, they moved to the Masonic Villages (formerly the Masonic Home) and were quite active even featured in the Masonic Villages quarterly magazine
Eileen Sichel, Chairperson
If you are celebrating a 90 or 90+ birthday or know of a member who is, kindly let me know so that we can celebrate those special members that we have not honored previously for reaching this milestone. Whether they are living far or near, we would like to hear about our nonagenarians. Nonagenarians are welcome as guests to any of our luncheons, free of charge. Just let us know your status on the attached luncheon coupon.
Looking ahead: At our Fall Luncheon, we hope to honor those members who have served in the armed forces. Please inform me if you are a veteran or know of a member who served our country in the military. Veterans will be guests at our Fall luncheon.
As always, remember to let me know if you have information or questions about members in need of our support. You are our only source of information concerning those members who could use a helping hand.
Information on members who have passed away in the last two years should be send to me so that their names can be added to our honor board and they can be included in a memorial service at this year’s convention.
Finally, please consider donating to The PASR Memorial Honor Fund, which helps members across the state who have become ill or who are experiencing financial stress. A coupon can be found in this newsletter to be used to make a contribution. Why not honor or memorialize someone who has made a difference in your life by making a contribution to the fund.
For House of Delegates Meeting (formerly the Convention) each chapter is asked to donate a basket worth approx. $50 for the SS/MHF raffle. Any ideas? I will be happy to assemble the basket. Our members can donate, we can buy items, or members can ask companies to donate items or gift cards if they are for chains that anyone can access. Please let me know if you are planning to make a donation.
Joy Hardin, chair
We donated $500.00 to both Wrapping Presents and A Christmas Galaas our holiday donations. We will continue to make a monetary collection at each of our luncheons for healthy snacks for the children at the Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter.
At the Fall luncheon we will be collecting 2020 calendars to donate to Family Service. Their clients have need of the calendars to keep track of their appointments for services at Family Service.
Any suggestions for community service projects or donations, please contact Joy Hardin.
Chapter Officers
The Officers for 2019 – 2021 were installed at the Fall Luncheon by outgoing President Linda Peters. Pictured are: President – Ken Griffin, Secretary – Alice Lafferty, and Treasurer – Joy Hardin. We are in need of a President-Elect. If you have an interest in helping Ken, please contact Linda Peters
(215-357-6087) or
Education Support
Linda Peters, Chair
Information regarding the applications for our two $1500 scholarships has been sent to the guidance departments of the Bucks County School Districts. My committee is currently reviewing them and one from the northern and southern area schools will be awarded at our spring luncheon. A teacher from the Pennsbury School district will receive the $500 grant and the Woodsen awards will go to a professional and a support staff person from Council Rock Schools. The grant will also be announced at the spring luncheon. Please consider making a donation to the scholarship fund since we have no special fund raiser for these.
Meg Kramer, chair
MEMBER ALERT: PISI IS NO LONGER AFFILIATED WITH PASR. Do NOT call PISI or send yourpayment(s) for dental and/or vision to them. PASR now self-administers ALL dental and vision plans. Your coverage with United Concordia (dental) and Davis Vision has not changed. Please remit your payment(s) to PASR. For questions, please contact Kelly Dygert, the Member Benefits and Services Associate at PASR. The phone number is 717-697-7077.
Your state membership in PASR means that you are eligible to take part in the many benefits offered by our organization. The list of them can be found on our website If you have questions, please call me at 215-295-2894 or email me at
Lynn Majewski, Chair
Our Bucks Chapter has reserved a limited supply of tickets for the Summer Musical performance of “Woodstock at 50: A Celebration” on Sunday, July 21, 2019, at 3 PM at the Bristol Riverside Theatre. The cost is $31 per person.
You will hear favorite songs such a Piece of My Heart, With a Little Help from My Friends, and Evil Ways.
Please complete the coupon on the pink insert and send it no later than June 27th to Joy Hardin. Her address is found at the top of the coupon page. Your tickets will be mailed to you at the beginning of July. For more information, contact me.
Tips for Seniors
Each newsletter will feature useful tips. This issue’s topic is Fraud Prevention.
Opt for electronic statements from banks and credit cards. Even Medicare offers paperless statements.
Keep a shredder handy – shred all bills and financial statements. Anything with your account number on it.
Never give out your Social Security number or passwords for any account, especially if requested over the phone.
Use your credit card whenever possible, not a debit card.
Don’t answer call from numbers or names you don’t recognize. If caller knows you, she/he will leave a message.
If you do answer a robocall, don’t say anything – just hang up.
Watch what you share and be careful what you post on social media.
Don’t fall prey to fear-based scams.
IRS never calls you; they always contact you by mail.
When you receive an email from bank or company, check the email address of sender. If the address ends in Edu, it is probably a hacker. Those emails look real, but company name should appear in the address.
If you’ve fallen prey to fraud, take action quickly.
Notify your bank and your credit card company,
Contact the Social Security administration about potential identity theft.
Call one of the credit reporting agencies to place a fraud alert on your files.
MAY 21
This year is a municipal election –Court of Common Pleas Judges, County Commissioners and some Row Offices, School Director, Township Supervisors, Borough Council, Mayor, and Auditor.
These people affect your lives directly. On the State level, two Superior Court positions are to be filled. Check voter guides and be an informed voter on Tuesday, May 21.
Spring Luncheon will be held in the Terrace Court at Spring Mill Manor, 171 Jacksonville Road, Ivyland.
9:30 Registration with Coffee and Pastry, 10:00 Meeting
Please reserve by May 9 and choose entrée using insert coupon.
Entrée Choices
Chicken Marsala-boneless breast of chicken with Marsala wine sauce served with
potato du jour and vegetable medley.
Stuffed Tilapia Florentine with a savory spinach filling, potato and vegetable medley.
Portabella Mushroom Tower on a painted plate
All entrees include a fruit cup and Raspberry Cake for dessert, coffee and iced tea.
Pastries, coffee, tea, and juice are available from 9:30 to end of business meeting.
We had several suggestions for our newsletter – Bucks Blog, Bucks Bulletin, Bucks Journal, Bucks Broadside, Bucks Outlook, and Bucks Bliss. At our luncheon we will be distributing ballots and attendees will vote. If you are unable to attend, please call (215-536-5196) or email and tell Judy Guise your choice.
Summer Edition will have the new name.
May 9 Region 1 Luncheon, Manufacturers Country Club
May16 Bucks Chapter Spring Luncheon
May 21 Primary Election Day
June 13 Bucks Chapter Executive Board
July 21 Bristol Riverside Theater