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Summer 2018 Newsletter


Presidents Message


The Bucks County Chapter is looking ahead to summer. We have our Klothes for Kids project beginning the end of June. We are hoping to supply clothes and school supplies for 80 needy children to help celebrate 80 years of PASR. June 28 has been designated PASR Day in Pennsylvania. PASR was established on December 28, 1937 and is a pioneer for non-profit voluntary organizations nationally. PASR members volunteer across the state working towards the wellbeing of children, the elderly, and those in need. Our chapter is discussing ideas to help celebrate this milestone. Our Spring Luncheon was held on May 17, with the awarding of scholarships, celebrating our ninety plus members, and an interesting program. More information will be coming in our fall newsletter. Please plan to join us on October 18 for our Fall Luncheon. It is a time to visit with old friends and make some new ones in a lovely fall setting.


Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and safe summer,  





Meg Kramer, Chair

Our Bucks County Chapter of PASR was honored to receivethe Susan. B. Altomari Champion for Youth Award presented by the Family Service Association at their dinner on June 4, 2018.  We were so pleased to be acknowledged for our efforts. Attending the award dinner at the Jericho National Golf Club were Linda Peters, Meg Kramer, Ken Griffin, Eileen Sichel, Arlene Williams, and Judy Guise.


Left – Meg Kramer and Linda Peters receive the plaque from Joe Bondi, Family Service President.

Right – Bucks County members.


Our K4K History

It was back in 2005.  The Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees set goals for each chapter in Pennsylvania to achieve.  One of those goals was to establish a community service project involving children.  The Klothes 4 Kids began after Mindy Fisher presented the idea to our Bucks County Chapter.  It was a unanimous decision to do this project.  Since we were in education in several Bucks County Schools, we decided to have K4k in effect for the beginning of each school year.  We knew how important it was for children to walk into the classroom on the first day feeling good about themselves.  Having new clothes and school supplies made them just like their classmates, and they were off to a good start in their new grade.

One of the first items of business for our K4K committee was to find an agency in Bucks County that dealt with children in need.  One of our committee members, Peg Wentz, who was formerly a school nurse, suggested that we work with the Family Service Association. Thus, our project began. 


The first year our goal was to fill 20 bags.  We ended with 52.  During the years we have taken part in this project, we’ve filled as many as 173 in one year and over a thousand throughout the 13 years.  Mindy was a huge part of this project from the beginning.  She and I were co-chairs until 2012.  She most unfortunately passed away last year.


We are desperately looking for more people willing to shop for these children. It costs about $150 to fill a bag, and we are grateful for the shoppers who have been so generous already. There is always the chance to take part by donating money to the fund.  That way more children can be accommodated. If you would like to be a shopper, please email Meg at or call me at 215-295-2894 no later than June 20, 2018.


Thank you in advance for what you are willing to do for our Klothes 4 Kids project.



Governor Tom Wolf proclaims June 28, 2018 “PASR Day” in Pennsylvania



From left to right, Jean Young, Director – Region 4, Judith Schaffer, PASR President-Elect, Governor Wolf, Gary Parker, PASR President, and Robert McNamara, Director – Region 3.

Mechanicsburg, PA– On March 6, 2018, Governor Tom Wolf signed a document proclaiming June 28, 2018 “PASR Day” throughout Pennsylvania.  PASR (Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees) is a Pennsylvania-based association that represents former teachers, nurses, secretaries, aides, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, counselors, maintenance staff, and administrators.


PASR was established on December 28, 1937, and is a pioneer of nonprofit voluntary membership organizations nationally, having helped establish both the National Retired Teachers’ Association in 1947 and the American Association of Retired Persons in 1958.  PASR is celebrating its 80th Anniversary of service to the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and is comprised of approximately 66 chapters throughout Pennsylvania and the nation.

PASR members volunteer across the state working toward the well-being of children, the elderly, and those in need. PASR continually makes contributions to Pennsylvania’s communities, by donating to food banks, clothing banks, and libraries. PASR is dedicated to public education and to lifelong learning. PASR recognizes the outstanding achievements of public school educators and employees through educational grants and awards, as well as by supporting students obtaining a highereducation through scholarships.


To celebrate PASR Day, a party is planned for Cliff’s Tavern in New Cumberland, PA on June 28. Judy Guise plans to attend and could take 3 others in her car and serve as a lead car if more Bucks County members might want to attend.  There is no charge for this event. Please email or call Judy – jmisguided@verizon.netor 215-536-5196, if you plan to attend.





Arlene Williams, Membership Secretary


If you are an annual memberof Bucks County Chapter and received a dues notice from the Treasurer and have not remitted your dues, there is a coupon for dues included in the newsletter.  If you are unsure about your dues, please call or email Arlene Williams or

215-355-0162, before sending payment.

Here we see our President Linda with a sad face because she needs help in the following committees – Community Service, Member Benefits, and Webmaster.  If you or you and a friend could help with one of these committees, Linda’s face would change to a happy emoji.  Community service committee identifies places or groups such as homeless shelter who can use our donations – cash and items.  Member Benefits is the communicator from the state organization to our local chapter about benefits – dental care, vision, long term, moving expenses, etc.  The webmaster would be sending pictures and brief articles to our website operator. If any of these positions are of interest to you, please contact Linda (see number or email) and if she calls you and asks, please say yes!



June 28         PASR DAY

August 31     Bucks Chapter Executive Board 

October 11   Region 1 Meeting

October 25   Fall Luncheon

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